UNIQLO Uniqlooks Contest: Check me out on 联合早报 (LianHe ZaoBao)
Yap, THAT's ME Alright! hhahx~
I got a SMS from my schoolmate (Thanks Yisun! ^^) to inform me that she saw my pic on the front page, I was like Huh? For wat? What did I do?!
Then I saw a FB post by Linda (Thanks for taking this big head pic~hahax..) and I saw my big face. I was like OMG front?! Not that I want to be haolian- proud ...ok, NOW i'm proud =p~ Because its my FIRST TIME to have my face on front page ok! >_<
Then the first thing that comes to my mind is: I cannot go opposite coffeeshop already!! They all can recognise me! I'm the so far most yellow headed gal in Punggol ah~ ~_~" *paiseh* (Proud & paiseh, confused feelings..)
But now sad thing is that, I DO NOT HAVE THE NEWSPAPER!!!(*%@_%(@_#$ It was sold out by the time I ask my helper to get it from the coffee shop.. Zzz..
Anyhoo, I'm glad at least to know that my workplace has the newspaper and I get to keep that (although its been used many times by public). hahax..
This is what Linda (*muacks for taking such clear pic of it!*) took and posted in my FB. I heart this pic cos my makeup shows up very nice and clear and the strong colours like yellow, purple (specs), blue shows up nicely too!
After which, Amber replied: And your 早报 photo hoh... Waaah!! The “没得到”... Very inauspicious leh... 没得到什么!?
I said the “没得到” is about another article! (I think..) kekex..
Then she said: Ooooh!!! Okok! I was like... What 没得到!?太过分了!没得到也不用登得那么大吧!heh
I LOLed! Super cheeky Amber. XD~
And then a full body pic taken by my colleague.. very blur ^_^"
I heard that Juliana's full body pic is even larger than mine! WOOTS! She must be super happy, she told me its 17cm tall pic. Lolx!~
[updated 7.57PM] Juliana ISH BIGGER THAN ME! Hhahax.. She took this pic of the newspaper~ ^^ Credits to her!
Ok enough of newspaper article =Pp~
Here's the 'story' behind it... On June 18th, I called for a group of my friends & Ah ru to go find Trey with his Uniqlo Booth at Orchard Road.
I called Trey and he told me he was outside Taka, so off we went to find him ^_^ Below shows how the booth looks like! (Its movable! wheels attached below ^^)
Here's the group of people with me~ (L-R) Ah Ru, Selphie, Yoyo (Kie), Juliana, Jane (Janice)
And here's Trey (in white tee) spotting people for Uniqlo Uniqlooks Contest!
Jane & Juliana - The Care bears team!!!~
Yoyo & Me - The BIG BANG Team!~~ (And the nerdy specs team Lolx~)
Sel & Mi!~
The 6 of us.. (Sorry, this pic is the clearest! but Kie is sleeping.. hahhax~)
We were all DRESSED UP and ready for pics! Basically only me and Jane didn't borrow any extra accessories from the Uniqlo booth. We wore our own 'gadgets' while others dress up with help of Uniqlo clothes, hats & accessories.
Finally, after everything, a final pic of our DRESSDOWN with Trey! =D *Tweessssss* (I took off my Jacket, too HOT! *sweats buckets*)
When Trey interviewed us, (with this group of cameraman, videoman, mics and everything) passer bys kept taking our pictures! hahax~
I saw a forum post just nice taking at the time we were there: http://forums.vr-zone.com/chit-chatting/1452799-do-you-have-unique-look-uniqlo-orchard-road.html
Take a look at the media group in the link! =D
Each has their own Polaroid pic too! Its super dark in the pic but actually its only like 7pm! O_O And sorry, all my polaroids got crumpled in my bag.. ^^"
*My MAD Shoes go Blink blink in the dark!*
SHOW SOME LOVEESSS to ma friends~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ By clicking their pics and LIKE!
(L) Ah ru, (R) Selphie
SHOW SOME LOVEESSS to ma friends~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Click their pics and LIKE!
(L) Kie, (M) Jane, (R) Juliana-The one who appear together with mi in the newspaper! ^^ She needs some of your LOVES too!~ [updated: 8.01PM]
And finally, Show some LOVEESSS to me tooooo~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ LIKE For me!~^^ *blow hearts & kisses to all*
Trey have been complaining to us on that day saying that he didn't get the BigBang Tee because there wasn't anymore sizes! The next moment I go to Uniqlo FB, i see him wearing it. With matching shoes & shades somemore! Lolx~
And spotted Anna & ??? in Uniqlo FB too! hehex..~
Ok, now back to my usual OOTD camwhore~ =p
My front porch lights blew up.. =_= However the BIG BANG SHOW words still appears Neon yellow clearly in this pic! ^^
Big Bang Show Grey Tee (XL size): Uniqlo
Denim hot pants: Bugis street
Hot pink patterned leggings: Uniqlo
MAD Gold hightop Shoes: GMarket
Denim starry hairband: Far East plaza
White-Pink Muz headphones: GMarket
Bracelets: Overseas & GMarket
Chunky metal long Necklace: newlook
Long arm ish got use one you know..... kekekex..
If you had noticed, I matched my makeup with my dressup colours! hehex..
Grey lens + grey tee, Pink eyes & cheeks with Pink headphones & leggings, Gold waterline with gold shoes? ^.^" And of cos, light eyebrow to match my hair~ Wherelse lips.. I just want to make it louder than other parts of my face, hence using OCC Trollop! =D
- I.Fairy lens in Ash Grey
- Cyber Colors Gemstone Aqua-base Pudding Foundation SPF20 PA++
- Canmake Cheek & Cheek Blush in #02
- OCC Lip Tar in Trollop (Its my first time to wear it out without mixing! Usually I dun like such red lips on a normal day. ^^")
EyeBrow - NOEVIR excel Strong Liquid Eyebrow SWP #SL3
- Kate Gel Eyebrow in LB-1
- Loreal Paris Adventurous (Light Beige & Pink)
- Loreal Paris Pink Mania from Loreal Paris Open Eyes Chrome Intensity
- Loreal Paris Super Liner 24H
- KissMe Heroine Make Impact Frame & Curl Mascara - Black
- MAC Lovestone Mineralize Eye Shadow
- MAC Superslick Liquid Eye Liners in Gold
P/S: Kpop RULES~~~ XDD~~
P.P/S: I like to thanks everything to Trey! Because he's the one who invited me to join this contest, otherwise I would not have done so! ^^
Till then! Cheers! (●♡●)
I am not in anyway affiliated to Uniqlo or companies or brands listed in this post. Product names written and coloured in turquoise were given by its company to me for trial.
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